Global Drug Bioavailability Enhancement Summit
Controlled & Modified Drug Release Summit
Co-located Events
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The future of efficient absorption for improved bioavailability is here…
- Targeted and Modified Delivery
- Model-Guided Formulation Design
- Nucleic Acid Delivery for Enabling MRNA
- Long-Acting Injectables – Biopharmaceutics & Product Design
- Rational Design of Oral Formulation
- Spray Conjealing to Enhance Bioavailability
- Advancing IVIVC of Subcutaneous Bioavailability
- MED 3D Printing for Oral Bioavailability
- Selection of Membrane-Permeable Peptides and many more sessions and panels
- Precision medicine & healthcare delivery
- Rationale formulation design for poorly soluble compounds
- In-vivo – in-vitro correlation
- Solution behavior of amorphous solid dispersions
- Nanosuspension for improving the bioavailability
- Early formulation screening in drug discovery
- 3D printing for biopharmaceuticals
- Enhancing patient adherence via drug delivery
- Innovative strategies around drug / device combinations
2023’s Summit is co-located with the 2023 Controlled & Modified Drug Release Summit (LIVE and VIRTUAL also).
Attendee List
Event Registration
2023 Agenda
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2023’s Speakers Include:

Simone Alidori
Scientific Leader & Associate Fellow

Firouz Asgarzadeh
Senior Vice President of Pharmaceutics

Derek Bush
Director, Rx Product Development

Arijit Chakravarty
Chief Executive Officer

Camden Cutright
Business Development Director-Americas

Seth Forster
Associate Principal Scientist

Indrajit Ghosh
Associate Scientific Director, Biologics Product Development

Chong-Hui Gu
Head of CMC and QA

Siddharth Kesharwani
Scientist, Formulation Development & Biopharmaceutics

Elizabeth Levy
Principal Scientist, gRED

Xiaoling Li

Jiaying Liu
Senior Scientist, Sterile & Specialty Products

Melanie Marota
Principal Scientist, Pharmaceutical Sciences

Zhen Mei
Research Fellow, Formulation Development

Ketan Patel
Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics

Robert Prud'homme
Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Sugandha Sabo
Senior Scientist, Advanced Drug Delivery

Pratik Saha, PhD
Director, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Development

Karu Sukuru
Global Vice President, Rx Product Development

Yuhong Wu
Associate Scientific Director

Volkan Yesilyurt
Advanced Drug Delivery Technologies and New Modalities Lead-Drug Product Development
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Previous Sponsors & Exhibitors
Interested in showcasing your platform technology to our audience of 100’s of senior pharma and biotech drug product development decision-makers?

Download The Bioavailability Previous Attendee List
Partnering with the 2023 Summit will also help you:
- Enhance commercial relationships with existing clients through platform interaction, meetings, and discussing the latest opportunities
- Raise your brand awareness to a captive and engaging audience, which most-of-all encompasses decision-making criteria
- Elevate your profile amongst industry peers and developing a contact base through 1-2-1 networking sessions
- Generate direct new business opportunities from senior-level attendees with decision-making criteria currently sourcing drug product development solutions
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Attendee Pricing
Super Early-Bird
Register before
December 30, 2022
Virtual Summit
Register before
May 14, 2023
Virtual Summit
Standard Pricing
Register before
May 14, 2023
Virtual Summit
In-Person Summit